Greg provided excellent webmaster skills for us
I think the most important thing about working with Greg is that he is very easy to work with and super dependable. Because we have an online business, we are completely reliant on our website. If we have issues it impacts the bottom line. For a small business, we can’t afford to have problems with our site. Greg understands this and provides us with excellent care. I highly recommend Greg for his skills, knowledge and expertise.
Lincoln Wachtel
What a relief!
I've worked with programmers in the past who could do amazing things with code but not so much with humans, and it made projects incredibly challenging. What a relief to find Greg who communicates clearly with me, thinks empathetically about the people using the things we build, and delivers a great result. Whenever I have a web design project that's outside my tech comfort zone, Greg is the first one I think of to make the system work as beautifully under the hood as I can make it on the screen.
Tzaddi Gordon
I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Greg
I have been working with Greg since 2013 on various WordPress projects. He is able to handle any situation I have come across that I am unable to do myself. Every project is done in a timely manner and delivered as requested. Greg’s development skills have enabled him to work on small projects as well larger WordPress customizations. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend or work with Greg again.
Linda Senenki, CGD
He’s the IT genius I want in my corner, always!
When I started my own business and faced technical challenges way beyond my skills, I was really fortunate because I had Greg on my side. When I think about the kind of web technology support I most want, here are my top priorities: Expertise; High Quality; Fairly Priced; Strong Communication. With Greg, that list is CHECK, CHECK, CHECK, CHECK.

When the challenges were far too large, way beyond my technical knowledge, or the risks and consequences if I messed it up were too high, Greg was always able to figure it out, and usually pretty simply. Honestly, I don't know how he does it. The most infuriating and mysterious quandary for me seemed to be child's-play to Greg. He's the IT genius I want in my corner, always. And, besides getting the job done, Greg has always been patient and kind in his manner and his communication. I'm the type that always wants to learn "why" and "how," and Greg has been incredibly accommodating in meeting my requests.

Greg is the ultimate IT Go-To Guy in my book - for anything from setting up a custom website, to a testing sub-domain, getting Amazon S3 storage servers set up, site backups, plugin troubleshooting, and hosts of other mysteries - vanished when Greg gets after it. And my most favorite times are when I would send a note to Greg in an absolute PaNiC about something I learned was gonna break in my system, and the reply I get back from him casually says something like, "Oh! You saw that memo too? Yeah, I went ahead and took care of it last night. You're all set. Here's what I did and why..." Greg respects timelines, emergencies, and is also clear about his own time constraints, which I really appreciate. Not a week goes by that I don't thank my lucky stars for Greg.
Steve Mattus
Highly recommended
Greg Burnison rescued my blog from the mistakes I made when my usual WordPress helper was tied up in a family emergency. He turned a clumsy idea I had for a new header into something I love. He turned around the work quickly and graciously, teaching me all the while and helping to build my website confidence. Greg came highly recommended by Mark Silver and the Heart of Business Community; I am so grateful he connected us and I can add to his glowing reviews.
Pat McHenry Sullivan
Deeply grateful
Thank you, thank you, thank you – have I told you recently how much I love working with you? If not, shame on me!!! You are consistently amazing and I’m so deeply grateful to have you on my team Greg!
Ariane Goodwin
Greg Burnison