Website Optimization

Is your website taking forever to load?

Is a slow backend holding you back when trying to make “quick” updates to your content?

Do you periodically see 500 (timeout) errors when editing or viewing the site?

Or does your site need a good once over by a trained eye?

Over time, out of date code & content can accumulate in your site and slow things down.

The Website Optimization package will:

  • Review your WordPress site’s theme and plugins to ensure they are up to date and aren’t causing more issues than they solve.
  • Verify that your backup system is appropriate for your site and is running properly to protect you from the unforeseen.
  • Review your hosting plan & settings.
  • Optimize the database to provide peak performance.

For most small business sites I can review your site and implement my recommendations. If your site is larger or more complex (e-commerce which extends beyond a few simple products for example) I will review the site and make recommendations. We can then discuss the implementation of those changes under a separate agreement.

Fill out the form below and I’ll be in touch to gather any additional information needed.

Please note that how your site is structured, how complex the functionality it provides, your plugins, theme & host all play a part in how well your site performs.

If you have any questions before signing up let's talk about them,

Salina Buchan
Thank you
OMG! You're amazing! Thank you. I wasn't sure why those errors and bugs were occurring. I thought it was me... haha!
Susan Lucibello
You are awesome – appreciate you.
Thanks again for the rush job. We are launching that program tomorrow morning, so needed to have the form fixed.
Ariane Goodwin
Deeply grateful
Thank you, thank you, thank you – have I told you recently how much I love working with you? If not, shame on me!!! You are consistently amazing and I’m so deeply grateful to have you on my team Greg!

Package Summary

Price: $299
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Greg Burnison